The alternative interview

Finding courses of action around the six dimensions

Once the conversation has revealed what changes are desired, it is time to determine what would be needed to this end. This may mean that a solution lies outside your practice or area of expertise. That is why it is important to know which types of support —formal and informal — are available in your area.


Are you explicitly looking for clever e-health solutions, interventions or tips around the six dimensions of Positive Health? If so, here are a few suggestions:


The best apps for your health

The GGD Appstore offers an overview of relevant and reliable health applications and websites.


Properly looking after yourself when you are ill

‘A little bit of happiness when you are sick’ [Klein geluk als je ziek bent] by Inge Jager and Maria Grijpma. This short book is full of tips and practical advice.


Recognosed interventions

For quick access to an overview of officially recognised interventions for Positive Health, see the website Here, you will find information on a variety of health topics, settings and target groups. The database is a joint initiative by the knowledge centre for sports and physical activity (Kenniscentrum Sport & Bewegen) and the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).