All accumulated knowledge on Positive Health

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Incompany training Leuven: Positieve Gezondheid – start 28 april 2023

20 Jan 2023: Online workshop “Positive Health – Empowerment für Patient:innen und Behandler:innen”

Incompany training België 2023: Positieve Gezondheid in de huisartsenpraktijk – start 11 mei 2023

Open registration: Online training – Kick off on 20th March 2023

Open registration: Online training – Kick off on 21st November

EFPC Webinars

Gesundheid Aktiv: Positive Gesundheit

Open registration: Online training – Kick off on 5th October

Barranquilla (Colombia) wants to become a blue zone with Positive Health

Mehr Zeit für Patienten, weniger Überweisungen

Berufsbegleitende Fortbildung Deutschland: Positive Gesundheit in der Allgemeinpraxis

Incompany training: Positieve Gezondheid in de huisartsenpraktijk

Incompany training België: Positieve Gezondheid in de huisartsenpraktijk – start 30 november

Webinar series about personalized care and Positive Health

This can be measured

Can Positive Health be measured?

Opposing views

Meaningfulness as the most powerful element

Blue Zones: source of knowledge on health

Sense of coherence helps to keep people healthy

WHO definition of health appears too static

How to bring up the subject of the spider web?

Courses of action around the six dimensions

Applying the action wheel

How to ask solution-oriented questions?

Discussing the outcomes together

Making the time for the alternative interview

Filling out the spider web yourself

What may Positive Health deliver?

What is Positive Health?

When can Positive Health be applied?